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Corporate Partners

Five Year Partner TIAA reaches 1 Million Meal Milestone

Maddie L Author
By Maddie Laing on March 13, 2019

It’s always exciting when one of Rise Against Hunger’s partners reaches a meal packaging milestone “” especially when its a group that has shown dedication to our mission for years. Our partners and volunteers are a huge part of the Rise Against Hunger family. They truly are the reason we are able to send millions of meals to people in critical need and impact lives worldwide.

On March 4, TIAA, our dedicated partner since 2014, packaged their 1 millionth Rise Against Hunger meal “” that’s 1 million hopes and dreams for people who need them most. One million chances of breaking the cycle of poverty and ending world hunger for good. More important than the meals themselves are the actual lives they will impact. It’s estimated that 1 million Rise Against Hunger meals can nourish about 20,000 lives, meaning 20,000 people have a chance at a better future because of the dedication of our partner.

Hundreds of TIAA volunteers took a break from their busy Monday to package meals in TIAA’s Charlotte location where the celebration was held.
TIAA officers passed the one millionth meal to Rise Against Hunger’s founder, Ray.
1 million meals made for an exciting Monday. Many of these volunteers have packaged meals with Rise Against Hunger and TIAA for several years.

Three cheers for partners across the globe like TIAA who are taking us another huge step closer to ending hunger. These heroes can add a new title to their resumes: Hunger Champion.

Visit our Get Involved page to learn more about hosting a Rise Against Hunger event for your group or office.