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Stories from the Field

Join Our Efforts to Provide Life-Saving Assistance to Haiti in a Time of Crisis

Janae C Author
By Janae Curtain on February 6, 2020

On its 10-year anniversary, we remember the devastating earthquake that struck Haiti in 2010, leading to the loss of more than 300,000 lives and leaving over 1 million people homeless. Since the earthquake, Haiti has experienced bouts of ongoing economic and political crisis. Today, millions of Haitians are facing hunger and are in need of urgent medical assistance.

According to the United Nations, the country of Haiti has been at a standstill since mid-September 2019. Food prices have increased by 40 percent, which has resulted in obstacles to agricultural production and access to markets. The World Food Programme projected that nearly 3.7 million people are in need of urgent food assistance. Among these, 1 million are suffering from severe hunger. Political tensions and increased rates of disease and illness are adding to the country’s turmoil.

Fortunately, we have an opportunity to help — and we’re asking you to join us. We are entering our third year of providing assistance to Haiti’s New Hope Hospital, which serves a population of over 250,000. The hospital is experiencing emergencies that exceed its operating limits.  Dr. Eugene Maklin, director of New Hope Hospital, expresses his concerns for the upcoming year. 

“The Republic of Haiti has experienced an unprecedented socioeconomic situation. The Health sector is hit hard and the vulnerable population is starving. New Hope Hospital, which serves a population of over 250,000, quickly faces emergencies that exceed its operating limits. The community health service at the Hospital, which is responsible for the nutrition program, has failed to meet the needs of families, especially the malnourished kids, inpatients, pregnant and breastfeeding women and elders. Today, despite the return to certain normalcy, we continue to face serious problems, hence the need to seek additional aid that can support the most vulnerable people.”

As part of our ongoing efforts to support the people of Haiti and New Hope Hospital with life-saving medicine and food aid, we hope to distribute more than 280,000 meals to patients, along with medical aid. To support our efforts to assist Haiti in this time of need, please donate now.

United Nations: