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Meal Packaging

"To Help Repair the World": Joining Hands with the Jewish Community!

Mellissa P Author
By Melissa Pierce on November 23, 2021

Tikkun Olam, a Hebrew phrase, unites us in our universal mission: To help repair the world. It guides us to take personal responsibility to create a more just world and alleviate human suffering.

Rise Against Hunger engages in Tikkun Olam every day. While our work starts with meals and nourishing lives, we deepen our impact through empowering communities, responding to emergencies (both protracted and quick onset), and growing the movement.

Most of Rise Against Hunger meals are sent to school feeding programs across the globe. In 2020, Rise Against Hunger meals were served in 388 schools in 20 countries. These transformational school feeding programs are supplemented by activities that empower communities like Planting Seeds for Strong Communities in Zimbabwe. Here, five schools were supported by the Southern African School Feeding Initiative. In addition to receiving meals, sustainable activities like school gardens, income-generating business education, and agricultural training for small farmers were developed to support the feeding initiative long after Rise Against Hunger exits the community. These programs impact the nourishment of school-aged children, but also their educational outcomes in communities that historically faced acute malnutrition and high dropout rates of school children.

Rise Against Hunger invites you to explore how we can repair the world together. Our opportunities are accessible to all generations young and old, can be in-person or virtual, and can be hands-on or educational including: